Tuesday, January 19, 2010

How to Make Money Writing for eHow

These days, everyone is looking for extra cash. Well, writing articles for eHow is a wonderful way to earn some extra money. With eHow you can write on a wide variety of topics, and writing the articles does not take much time. You can write an article in about 30-60 minutes. Once you have written quite a few, you get faster at churning out articles. Here are a few tips on how you can start to make money writing for eHow.

  1. Your first step in making money writing articles for eHow is to register with eHow, and then sign up for the Writer's Compensation Program. You must be 18 years old, be a United State's resident - with a valid social security number, and have a paypal account that your earnings can be sent to.

  2. Step 2

    Your second step in making money writing articles for eHow, is to choose a topic that you wish to write about. Now, you can choose from any topic that tickles your fancy. Maybe you are good at making a peanut butter and banana sandwich, well write an eHow about it. Share your talent with everyone.

  3. Step 3

    Now that you have chose your topic, create a short introduction, and the things you'll need to complete it. The ideal article has between 400 to 600 words, which includes everything you have wrote about your article.

  4. Step 4

    You will want to make sure you are using grammatically correct sentences, and that you run the spell check every once in a while. Your audience will appreciate your writing so much more, when it makes sense, and flows evenly.

  5. Step 5

    If you wish, you can add photos to your article. It will make your article look more alive, and readers tend to enjoy articles with images.

  6. Step 6

    You can write as many articles as you wish. The more articles you write, the more money you will make. So make sure you carry a notebook with you to write down any ideas you may have for topics for your eHow's.

  7. Step 7

    Now you will want to get traffic to your eHow articles. The more times your article(s) are viewed, the more money you will make. You can get more traffic by choosing great keywords for your article. If you own a blog, website, or facebook post a link to your eHow's on it. The more times your articles is viewed, the more money you will make.